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Prazo: Propostas podem ser submetidas a qualquertempo
Áreas: Todas as áreas do conhecimento
Modalidades: Auxílio à Pesquisa Regular(FAPESP) /Individual Research Grant(DFG) eProjeto Temático(FAPESP) /Coordinated Programmes(DFG)

FAPESP and DFG offer funding for bilateral jointly coordinated programmes, such as bilateral FAPESP and DFG offer funding for bilateral jointly coordinated programmes, such as bilateral research training groups, research units aswell as collaborative research centres. Groups of researchers from Germany and from the State of São Paulo, Brazil, wishing to perform acoordinated project within those funding lines should follow the description of the joint programme below and the guidelines of the respective programmes at DFG and FAPESP. All programmes follow a 2-stage procedure on the basis of a draft proposal and a full proposal at DFG.