In 2011, in the context of a Postdoctoral Project carried out in the Nephrology Department of UNIFESP that aimed at genetic sequencing of renal transplanted patients from the Hospital do Rim and Hospital São Paulo, a group of researchers from different departments of this university met regularly to discuss the theme and give feasibility to the proposed study.

The lack of funding initially meant that the study's analyze were delayed for some years. The study continued in 2014, as part of a UNIFESP Thematic Project, including patients transplanted from the Hospital Samaritano de São Paulo, with support from FAPESP and PROADI-SUS. In this context, the idea of a national network for continuity of study, dubbed Rebrasni, was generated. This postdoctoral study generated a publication in 2017 in the Transplantation Journal and commentary in the editorial of the same journal, and was also a subject of FAPESP Journal in February 2018.

During this period, the research group of UNIFESP met the UNICAMP researchers, who had been investigating mutations in children with NS and who had recently published in the same area.
In 2017, the meeting of researchers at medical congresses joined together these groups and USP researchers, who were also working on mutation research in this population in a doctoral project.

The common interest of researchers from these 3 Universities led to a first meeting scheduled on April 18, 2018 in an attempt to join efforts to develop research and knowledge in the area. From this union, the formation of Rebrasni, officially launched in São Paulo on April 27, 2018 at the First Rebrasni Symposium and nationally at the XVIII Brazilian Congress of Pediatric Nephrology in Curitiba from 04/28 to 05/01/2018, at the pre-Nephrotic syndrome in childhood. In this same congress we had the opportunity to discuss the objectives of the network with prof. Mathew Gordon Sampson (USA), a renowned researcher in the field and partnership opportunities have been discussed and performed.