Karina Bortoluci |  Curriculum

Email: k.bortoluci@gmail.com

Major in Biological Sciences at the Mackenzie Institute (1992-1995), Immunology Doctorate (1999-2003) and Immunology Post doctorate (2003-2005) at the University of São Paulo. Associate Professor of the Department of Biological Sciences of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and responsible for the Molecular Immunology laboratory allocated at the Center for Cellular and Molecular Therapy (CTC-Mol). Worked as visiting researcher at the Gulbenkian Institute, Portugal (2004) and Genentech Inc., USA (2016). Was Deputy Head (2010-2011) and Head (2012-2013) of the Department of Biological Sciences and Coordinator of the Graduate Dean of the Graduate and Research UNIFESP Dean (2017-2018) and is currently part of the Keystone Symposia Programming Consultants. Acts in the area of ​​Immunology with emphasis on Innate Immunity. The main focus of her research group is the study of molecular pathways involved in the activation of inflammasomes and their impact on the control of infections such as Salmonella typhimurium, Trypanosoma cruzi, Toxoplasma gondii and Zika virus.