

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Luiz Ramos (email: lrr@uol.com.br)

The increase of human longevity along with the aging of the population (proportional increase of the elderly) can be considered the most important phenomenon in the world today, with serious social, economic, social security and health implications. Countries such as Brazil have been experiencing this phenomenon since the middle of the last century, but much faster than developed countries that began this process more than a century ago. The low socioeconomic and educational level of the majority of the Brazilian population should be seen as an aggravating factor in the equation of survival needs with health and quality of life of the growing elderly population. Public policies are necessary, but require knowledge about the living and health conditions of this population. Researches about the subject are incipient and specialized professionals do not even meet the existing demand. The exchange with countries and academic institutions that have experienced this problem for longer is a vital strategy so that we can move forward faster in finding solutions that fit our reality.

Partner countries:Israel; United States of America; Netherlands; United Kingdom; Canada.

Graduate Programs

Disorders of Human Communication – Speech Therapy
Interdisciplinary in Health Sciences
Microbiology and Immunology
Psychiatry and Medical Psychology
Public Health


Research Projects