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REBRASNI presents on XX São Paulo's Nephrology Congress
REBRASNI presents on XX São Paulo's Nephrology Congress

Data integration is the starting point of a collaborative knowledge platform associated with childhood nephrotic syndrome in Brazil.
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menino carrinhosThe Rebrasni (Brazilian Network of Nephrotic Syndrome in Childhood) is the result of the meeting of a group of researchers and doctors from three Brazilian universities, dedicated to the study of childhood nephrotic syndrome, and joined forces in an attempt to improve understanding and find a treatment of children with this condition.
To meet the proposed objectives, Rebrasni foresees research, teaching and assistance projects


Generate knowledge to improve the diagnosis, evaluate the prognosis and contribute to the personalized treatment and potential cure of Nephrotic Syndrome in childhood.

Rebrasni adds the efforts of the teams of these prominent educational institutions to improve the understanding and treatment of children with this pathology through research, teaching and care.

Know the History of Rebrasni.