- Julia Amabile de Souza Pinto.

TitleHistory and Environmental Heritage: A study on the Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (1974 - 2002) Rio Claro - SP. [Original title: História e Patrimônio Ambiental: Um estudo sobre a Floresta Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (1974 - 2002) Rio Claro - SP]. Mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação História / Unifesp (Bolsa Capes).

Abstract: This master project aims to historically understand the relationship between society and nature from the patrimonialization of a space known as State Forest Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (Rio Claro-SP) in the 1977- 2002 period. Therefore, we seek to understand, based on historical analysis of the sources that dialogue with the contributions of environmental history and landscape archeology, the process of creation, as well as being declared as part of Historic heritage, patrimonialization and classification as State Forest, the former garden forest of Rio Claro. Thus, in the period in question, the construction of this space will be analyzed, which resulted in its patrimonialization and, later, in a space of research and sustainable environmental practices. This space will also be thought as landscape, and therefore, as its appropriation by the government, society, the social changes that FEENA suffered and which has generated in society, in the sense of belonging and recognition that the city's population has with the place, its uses and conflicts, and why its patrimonialization has not enabled a concrete awareness of environmental preservation.

- Deividi Santana Silva.

Title: Advertising and child consumption: Advertising strategies and economic results. [Original titlePublicidade e Consumo Infantil. Estratégias publicitárias e resultados econômicos (São Paulo, 1969 - 1978)]. Mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação História / Unifesp.

Abstract: The purpouse of the project is to discuss the creation of an advertising market focused on children and public experiences that have consolidated a culture of consumption among middle-class children. Another aspect is to analyze the debates, consensuses and tensions between advertisers and companies interested in this new niche market and sectors of the civil community. This debate will be accompanied by the economic results of industrialized foods for children in the city of São Paulo between the years of 1969 and 1978, during which the publicists discussed the creation of the best self-regulating mechanism of Brazilian advertising. The city of São Paulo becomes of great value for the study, since it was the main city of Brazil to have capitalism in its mature form from the point of view of production, consumption and the new forms of modern sociability that were consolidated during the military regime. Studying the tensions between sectors involved to a lesser or greater degree in the production of specialized publicity directed at the children's audience concomitantly with the industrialized foods allow us to understand the formation of a society of the child consumption in the periphery of the capitalism and its impacts, more specifically, in the children in the city of São Paulo. 

- Danny Mathias. 

Title: The Cultural Heritage of the Quilombo Communities of Vale do Ribeira: impacts of the cultural assets referencing methodology. [Original title: O patrimônio cultural das comunidades quilombolas do Vale do Ribeira: impactos da metodologia de referenciamento de bens culturais]. Mestrado no Programa de Pós-Graduação História / Unifesp.

Abstract: This research seeks to deepen reflections about the Cultural Heritage by reviewing the networks around inventory of cultural goods of Quilombola Commnunities in Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo, relating historical and anthropological studies on land and social conflicts. Aiming to create collaborative knowledge with local groups and the third sector in the region, this project investigates the importance of cultural meanings for the policy of preserving their heritage. It also addresses the issue about the relationship with the quilombola territorial naming and identifies and potential challenges to the applicability of the referencing methodology.

- Lucimeire Barreto Rocha. – em andamento

TitleThe dispute for territory in Mato Grosso in the 1990s: MST and the struggle for land in the “heart” of agribusiness. [Original titleA disputa pelo território no Mato Grosso na década de 1990: MST e a luta pela terra no “coração” do agronegócio].