- Profa. Dra. Katarzyna Górka

Em busca da identidade: o campo da Antropologia Forense no Brasil. Bolsa CNPq - Pós-Doutorado Junior - PDJ – 2018-2020.

Résumé: Forensic Anthropology constitutes a field of enormous relevance for human identification, especially in cases of high decomposition or total skeletonization of the corpse. The contribution of the forensic anthropologist during the investigation and interpretation of partially or completely skeletonized human remains is crucial. The recent growth of this area and its opening in Brazil constitutes an excellent opportunity and justifies the reflection upon the state of the art of this discipline in Brazil. The scarce scientific production in this area, as well as the limited offer of training, legitimize a deep and detailed analysis. Therefore, the present project proposes a multidimensional research focusing on both the academic and professional aspects of Forensic Anthropology in Brazil. The first part will be carried out based on the analysis of scientific production related to this field. The second part will involve a field work in the main Medical-Legal Institutes (IML) of the country in order to portrait the profile of professionals in this area. It is expected to identify the most important and active centers of research and scientific production, as well as to evaluate the existence of training centers in this area and the profile of professionals. The results will also allow for the identification and evaluation of the standardization of Forensic Anthropology methods used in Medico-Legal Institutes across the country. With this proposal I hope to obtain a set of original data on Forensic Anthropology in the Brazilian context that will allow forming a broad and profound panorama of this field and consequently contribute to the process of development and consolidation of Forensic Anthropology in Brazil.


Górka, Katarzyna & Plens, Cláudia Regina. The academic scenario of Forensic Anthropology in Brazil. IN: Brazilian Journal of Forensic Anthropology & Legal Medicine (BJFA&LM). Associação Brasileira de Antropologia Forense (ABRAF), 2020 (1): 29-43.