Invitation to RuCTFE - Competition in Information Security

RuCTFE Ural  University 

Ural Federal University, one of the largest higher educational institutions in Russia and a home to more than 30 000 students from 60 countries, would like to invite a team of students from your University to take part in RuCTFE 2015 — a competition in information security.

<< INVITE >>

RuCTFE 2015 is held online on November 21. Its successful participants would be qualified for RuCTF 2016, an on-site competition that will be held in April 2016 in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Registration for RuCTFE 2015 is open at
Deadline of the registration is November 15, 2015.
You can learn more about RuCTF and the rules of participation in the attached letter from our Rector, Victor A. Koksharov.
For more information about the competition, visit this web page:
We are looking forward to your participation in RuCTFE and we hope to see you in April in Ekaterinburg!

International Office Team
Ural Federal University
19 Mira street
Ekaterinburg, Russia
+7 (343) 374-54-34

Direct your questions to:

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