The International Student Congress Of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) is one of the world’s leading student congresses in the field of (bio)medical sciences. Last year’s congress was a great success, with 706 participants attending from over 64 countries. This year, the 24th edition of ISCOMS takes place from the 6th until the 9th of June 2017 in the UMCG in Groningen, the Netherlands. During this three-day congress, ISCOMS offers students from all over the world an unique opportunity to present their research. Besides this, students can take part in interactive workshops and get inspired by lectures presented by a few of the best scientists worldwide. For example, Nobel Laureate Prof. Sir Tim Hunt PhD and Nobel Laureate Prof. Ben L. Feringa PhD will tell us all about their interesting research!

Besides the scientific programme, we provide an extensive social programme, which includes a city tour, a formal dinner and the World Wide ISCOMS Night party.

The registration for non-presenting participants is now open!

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