The Mobility Grants aim to promote research in all Latin American countries and to support fieldwork in the region.

Mobility Grants are especially useful for emerging researchers (Postdocs and PhD students) for the integration of the next generation of scientists in international collaboration, helping to build new partnerships through personal contacts, mutual trust, and to make cooperation more sustainable.
Grants up to CHF 7,000 will be awarded.

Please submit your applications in electronic format to the Leading House for the Latin American Region: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.
Please make sure to read all information included in the Call, the General Grant Guidelines and the Application Form.


May 25, 2020

Important Notice
Mobility Grants are meant to pay travel expenses, accommodation and consumables, fieldwork, but cannot cover salaries, visa, health and private insurance.

