Paths to Success - Inspiring Future Leaders in Sport
25th – 27th November 2016 in Berlin, Germany


Paths to Success is a seminar specifically designed for young men and women interested in future positions in international sport.

The seminar aspires to help participants acquire the skills and abilities required for a successful career as a potential leader in an international sport organisation, sport science or physical education institution.

The focus of the seminar will be on leadership and Good Governance.

The programme will include training in project management skills, presentation skills, communication, negotiation and conflict resolution. Amanda Bennett, a professional communication and leadership coach, will lead through the seminar.

In addition, leaders from international sport organisations will serve as speakers and will provide first-hand examples and experiences on these topics.

The content comprises:
• What is good governance in sport?
• Leadership styles and your impact as a leader
• How values and governance principles help create excellence
• Steps to good governance
• Identifying and engaging with stakeholders
• Conflict resolution
• Reflections on leadership
• Conclusions and commitments

The Seminar language is English.
20160928_Paths to Success Information and Registration.pdf