To attract the world’s outstanding talents and boost the international potential of the Master’s courses delivered by this university’s member institutions, 160 incoming international Master’s scholarships of 10, 000 euros per year are offered to the best students enrolled in one of the Master’s programmes.

Students invited to qualify for a scholarship will be evaluated on the basis of their academic credentials.

Université Paris-Saclay is a structured top cluster of education, research, and innovation in Europe, regrouping 18 institutions (universities, Grandes Ecoles, and research centres). With 45 Master’s tracks, over 350 Master's courses of which a third is widely international, 10% of Master’s courses taught in English, 50,000 applications per year and about 9,000 students enrolled in 2016, the Master-level education offering at Université Paris-Saclay is up to expectations: it welcomes highly-motivated students who enlist in challenging courses. After which, depending on the chosen track, they can access rewarding professional careers or carry on with a research doctorate.




More information:

Scholarship and the eligibility criteria: