Responsible: Cláudia Regina Plens

Professors: Cláudia Regina Plens e Camila Diogo de Souza
(Núcleo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Arqueologia e Antropologia Forense/LEA/UNIFESP)

The use of techniques and methods used in the field stages in Archeology applied to forensic contexts, from the search, location, delimitation and mapping of the scene, to the use of non-invasive and invasive methods, such as the careful and systematic registration of the corpse and of the surrounding context, such as attentive observation, identification, registration and collection of evidence of fauna and flora that can compose the context as a whole, such as the presence of pollens, seeds, animal bones and, even , traces of entomological nature, such as the presence of insect larvae such as flies that can assist in the process of identifying the body's decomposition process, by determining the time elapsed between the individual's death and its deposition until its discovery, constitutes a fundamental instrument in the analysis and resolution of a forensic case.
The course aims to expose through theoretical classes and practical field classes the theoretical and methodological instruments of Archeology, from the localization stage, removal of osteological material in the excavation process, including curatorial stage and registration of it and, finally, of laboratory analysis, bring fundamental contributions in the analysis process of a forensic case in Anthropology. In this way, we intend to score and make practical the contributions of the archaeological methods and techniques applied in the removal and collection of forensic material that effectively assist in complementing and validating the results of the analysis of forensic cases.

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