Responsible: Cláudia Regina Plens

Teacher: Ricardo Santoro. With a degree in biology from USP, he started his studies as a bioanthropologist in the 1980s and 80s. His contact with the teaching environment led him to switch from an academic career to a biology professor at the private school in São Paulo about 30 years ago. Without, however, abandoning interest in the theme of Evolution, especially that related to the human being.

About the course:
The course launched in August 2019 aims to address the teaching of human evolution in basic school education courses as this is a subject that remains marginalized or even forgotten. This problem occurs due to unpreparedness, lack of time or affinity with the subject. With this, the teacher ends up missing a good opportunity to work with a subject that opens to a range of possibilities for discussion in his subject, in the inter or multidisciplinarity and in the consequent metacognitive relationships.
However, to develop a course in this area, even in a short didactic sequence, it is important to escape the temptation to simply list the succession of species and their life habits, so common in textbooks.
The teaching of the Human Evolution theme is a great opportunity to introduce concepts of process and adaptive change, the role of human beings in the environment, taking the opportunity to break with common sense concepts such as the domain of nature, ways of life or even about human intelligence.
One can also think about the opportunity to develop a better understanding of temporal processes, racial concepts and racism and, mainly, the “humanization” of the processes of discoveries and interpretations of scientists.

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