The lato sensu specialization course in Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights at the Center for Anthropology and Forensic Archeology (CAAF) at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), coordinated by Cláudia Regina Plens, has the scientific support of NEPAAF / LEA / UNIFESP.

The course aims to train specialists who work in the practice of developing investigations in the area of ​​Forensic Anthropology and their contributions in the area of ​​Human Rights. The target audience consists of students with varied backgrounds, such as medicine, dentistry, law, archeology, anthropology and other areas of knowledge, and from different regions of Brazil. The course has a hard core of faculty with researchers, renowned professors in the field of Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights, national, such as Prof. Dr. Andersen Liryo da Silva (Department of Anthropology at the National Museum (MN), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Prof. Dr. Luiz Airton Saavedra de Paiva (President of the Forensic Science Teaching and Research Institute (IEPCF) and Titular Professor of Legal Medicine at Centro Universitário São Camilo - CUSC), Prof. Ana Lúcia L. Nemi (School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (EFLCH / UNIFESP), Prof. Dr. Liana de Paula (Department of Social Sciences / UNIFESP), Prof. Dr. Carla Osmo (Faculty of Law / UNIFESP), Letícia Sobrinho (criminal expert of IML Nina Rodrigues, BA), Dr. Carlos Eduardo Plahares (criminal expert of the Federal Police of the Federal District), Dr. Celso Perioli (criminalist), Prof. Dr. Cláudia R. Plens (LEA / UNIFESP), Prof. Dr. Camila Diogo de Souza (LEA / UNIFESP), Prof. Dr. Thaís Torralbo Lopes Capp (NEPAAF / LEA / UNIFESP) and internationals, such as Prof. Dr. Eugénia Maria GPA da Cunha (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Prof. Dr. Douglas Ubelaker (Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., United States) and Prof. Dr. John Albanese (University of Windsor, Canada).

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