Guarulhos Archaeological Heritage Survey and Inventory - PIPAG

Funding: Processo FAPESP/Condephaat/Sec: 2012/50039-8 (2012 - 2015)

In this research, we demonstrated that the colonization of the territory of Guarulhos was characterized by a process in which the indigenous people were used as slaves of one of the first gold mining enterprises in the colonial period in the 16th century. Territorial occupation by Jesuit villages and gold mining radically changed the configuration of the indigenous land and caused the reallocation of labor. This research discussed the process of private appropriation of the original settlements based on archaeological data, the process of confiscation of indigenous lands and, as a consequence, the drastic reduction of the indigenous population, leading to the genocide of the original indigenous population in Guarulhos.

To know more about it: (portuguese version)

Presentation in the 8th World Archaeological Congress - Kyoto, Japan.

Members: Cláudia Regina Plens (Coordinator) / Alexandre Pianelli Godoy / Luiz Ferla / Fernando Atique / Marcia Eckert Miranda / José Carlos Vilardaga / Gilberto da Silva Francisco/ Vagner Porto. 

1) Documentary - TV UNIVESP - Universidade Virtual do Estado de São Paulo/Fundação Padra Anchieta (access:;

2)  Cultural exhibition made up of PIPAG research results and entitled “The Cartography of People of Guarulhos”, with funding from FAPESP / Condephaat / SEC, the exhibition was open to visitors at the Centro Educacional Adamastor, in August 2015.


miniatura exposição 1

3) Presentation: World Archaeological Congress, Kyoto, Japan, 2016 (apoio: Fapesp).

4) Publications:

- Plens, Cláudia R. Objetos, Paisagens e Patrimônio: Arqueologia do Colonialismo e as pessoas de Guarulhos. R. Museu Arq. Etn., 26, 2016.


- Plens, Cláudia R. Objetos, Paisagens e Patrimônio: Arqueologia do Colonialismo e as pessoas de Guarulhos. São Paulo: Annablume/FAPESP/LEA, 2017.